Breaking Chains Inc. Blog

Awarded Top Counseling Agency

You can take it from us, building a foundation of trust with customers and prospects is key in our money management service business. Proving quickly that we have had our client’s best financial interest at heart, even if it means giving unwelcomed advice or direction, is no easy task. While trust building can be a long-term commitment in any business, here are 3 simple steps we’ve learned to master in ours to start building trust quickly. Each step has concrete tips so you can apply it whenever you need to build trust in meeting anyone new!

Be a great listener

  • Be Sincere
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Never mulit-task while listening to client
  • Give full attention
  • Give them time to talk
  • Allow the person to complete their thought without interruptions

Show compassion

  • Let them know they are not on an island by themselves – Sometimes just knowing that you are not alone makes people feel that their problem is much more possible to overcome.
  • Relate on some level – By sharing a personal story you become relatable, personable and easier to trust.

Demonstrate Your Knowledge

  • Ask the right questions
  • Show your credentials – Qualify yourself- provide knowledge of experience, credits and accomplishments
  • Share testimonials and success stories – Give examples of true stories and testimonies of individuals obtaining their goals and how their lives were changed for the betterment.

If you listen properly, show your compassion and expertise, prospects will trust you. They’ll become repeat customers and give you referrals. If you are in the business of serving others (and aren’t we all are?) then trust is a must in client relationships.

How are you building trust?


Build Customer Trust Quickly With These 3 Steps

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